A bug-like creature from another planet


What is Bug?

“The person behind Bug is a multidisciplinary artist; with that in mind, Bug is a character, a musician, a multimedia art project. The mask is a vessel through which to channel artistic experimentation, a means of finding community through creation. Don’t bug out.”

In 2018, I began forming ideas for an ongoing, living art project: a character involved in multidisciplinary arts, but viewing the world through their unique lens. Thus, Bug was born, at once both a moniker to use for writing, releasing, and performing music, as well as an excuse to allow myself to flex some of my stranger ideas and creative ventures through the relative safety of absurdism.

In the years since, I have performed at events, appeared on podcasts, and contributed music and art to a global community, both through my own individual work as well as through a weekly radio show, all while staying in character - or at least attempting to do so.

To learn more or to listen, visit dontbugout.org.

Where is Bug now?

In 2021, I created a sticker design which included a QR code that directs to a hidden page on the dontbugout.org website. This page can only be accessed by scanning the QR code, and is periodically updated to include new information, music, artwork, and messages to the community that are not posted anywhere else.

The stickers were mailed across the globe, and the rest is history. If you see a sticker out in the wild, be sure to snap a picture and let me know!